First off, please don’t take any disrespect from what I’m going to say. Twin flames, if they even exist, are EXTREMELY RARE. I know people are under this grand illusion that they are all meeting their twin flames. And it makes me sick.
I heard of them in 2009 or 2010, so over 13 years I’ve been aware of them. More than most people have been. You barely could find any info on them. I only found in a book that is out of print now.
And these so called experts, have no idea what they are talking about. They prey on a desperate person sadness and despair. They take money and have no idea what they are talking about.
Twin flames are extremely spiritually advanced and they have a mission to help the consciousness of the planet and the humans on it. They aren’t here to be your love of your life. And live happily ever after. That is why we have soulmates. They fulfill those desires and needs for us. Not our twin flame. Most of the time, they are beyond the veil helping you or doing their own spiritual work. They aren’t going to show up to make you grow.
You are required to make yourself grow spiritually. You are responsible for your life and your choices. That’s why we have free will. Twin flames are the word limerence. Which is basically being so obsessed with another that they can’t think of anything else. And when I read these so-called people talk about their meeting of their twin flame it makes me feel bad for them. Because they are in this toxic relationship or state of mind, obsessing over someone who doesn’t want to be with them. And they’ve convinced themselves that it’s their twin flames. Because of articles like this. You just regurgitated what all the articles say.
I’m extremely spiritual and have been awake for a long time. I’m by no means an expert on the subject or all things spiritual. But there is a lot I do know. I do have certain spiritual gifts that help me understand things that most people don’t know. This twin flame thing is such malarkey.
Most people who claim they’ve met their twin, are not spiritual, are acting from their ego or pride, they just felt a feeling differently than they have experienced with another before. And all the sudden it’s their twin flame. When seriously like 10 years ago, barely anyone knew about them. I stumbled upon it by accident. That’s the only reason I found them so many years ago. The truth is, you have no idea what you are talking about. It’s articles like this, that give people false hope and keep them in the loop of toxicity with a person who doesn’t want them. And they are convinced it’s their flame because they are told by people like you, or the pseudo experts that these are the reasons for their meeting with this person. And this is how you know you have met your false twin.
If you met your twin, believe me you’d both feel it. One wouldn’t be blind to the feeling and run from it. It would be out of this world, for sure. But you wouldn’t have a romantic relationship and come into union with each other eventually. You would do your work together and then separate.
Twin flames are here to help the planet. Not the individual live happily ever after with their Prince Charming. Again, you are responsible for your spiritual journey and growth. Not anyone else. Soulmates will show up to help you with that. That is what soul contracts are for. Where you and another soul decide how they are going to show up in your life and for what purpose. They are here to be our teachers. And we can have many of them in a lifetime. Friend’s, coworkers, romantic partners, children, pets, parents etc all can be our soulmates.
Telling people that you can have a toxic relationship with your twin flame is oxymoron. If they truly are your mirror and your other side of your soul. They wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. Because it would also be hurting them. They would hold you at very high regard. If you think you’ve met a false twin flame, it is just karmic soul mate that is here to even the score and finally break free from you in this life. You started something in a previous life, and now you two are here in this life to break free from each other. But in order to do that, you must experience certain things together that will teach a very painful lesson, even though it will be necessary for your growth.
Do you believe that spiritual growth entails obsessing over someone and not progressing in your life because you are waiting for your twin flame to come back? Staying stagnant and depressed. Not moving forward.
I’m tired of people who have been on a spiritual journey for 1-3 years tops, thinking they know everything. It’s become trendy. It’s not about truly feeling the need to learn and grow. It’s to be like everyone else. And soon, something new will happen and the masses will follow that. I’ve been doing this for over 20 years and I’m still learning things that I never thought were even possible. So, I feel I’m more knowledgeable about this subject then you. When i started my journey it was like the Salem witch trials and you were ostracized for your beliefs. And now, everyone thinks they are so spiritual. And have to buy crystals and get dreadlocks. I’ve been selling crystals for over 20 years and 4 years I could get most of them for relatively cheap. And now everyone overprices them. Because of the demand. And most of the people buying and selling them are trendy. They are not at all interested in being spiritual and ascending into 5D, and helping the planet.
They are more interested in being a part of what everyone else is doing.